What do the Articles mean?
The articles are meant to help community learn, grow, and develop. Most of the writing is about bettering one's self, touching on family relationships, personal health choices, better living, Art, APPI History, and those that lead in community. If the information can help people find others who are into fields like the Fine Arts then the project has been successful.
It's all really about being creative. Blogging is a creative practice. We are all creative people and writing and producing projects like these helps personal and community growth.
Should visitors credit Oni Featherman and other writers?
Giving credit to Oni Featherman (me) on "Community Stories" is the only thing that's asked and to please give feedback to T.M.BW. if content is helpful. Just so everyone knows, Ione K. Birdman is like a freaking super genius and of course he made me say that, but really he is a super genius. Also I think he has some sort of super power. Please see Contributors Page.
What are A.P.I.A. Studies for?
The A.P.I.A. Studies section is a personal research project on Pacific Islander cultures and Asia Pacific Islander American Heritage. Studies are posted for interested readers who might be doing research into the Pacific Region, and also into their own family history and heritage.
What are the Oni Community Stories for?
The Community Stories section began when further research on Pacific Islander Theology and Mythology became more involved. The research projects, like this blog, pushed an interest into relaying the information through something more youth oriented. The stories are written for the pure enjoyment of "all readers". The stories will most likely become a larger focus some day, so again, please give credit on works posted in that section. Yes, I know the stories in that section right now are pretty crappy, but no worries, working on this project will allow me to improve. Thank you.
About T.M.BW.
If you would like to know more about T.M.BW. and how content used or if TMBW profits from works. Please read [Move to About T.M.BW.]
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