The USA refusing to join The League of Nations
1. The main reason why the League of Nations was a failure was because of British and French unrelenting self interests by the founding members. The British and the French - League of Nations proposal (some historians calling it a scheme) attempted at "mapping out the world", using the collective influence of a League of Nations to enforce new borderlines and new layouts of territories and recruting others to their banners (attempted to include the United States) under the disguise of fair International Law and Order.
The British in New Zealand & Australia who still supported old outdated forms of Imperialist rule, radicals supporting an absolute monarch style of Government used the Treaty of Versailles 1919 drafted by the League of Nations as legal proof of ownership over some regions in the Asia Pacific.
2. The United States of America refused to join the League of Nations who was offered to be a permanent member. The Versailles Treaties created enemies as it did allies and so the USA refused and was attended by US. Secretary of State Robert Lansing and others. Instead, the U.S. created the U.S. German Peace Treaty, signed in Berlin on August 25, 1921 under USA Republican President Warren G. Harding keeping peaceful relations and leaving Western Europe to fix it's own unresolved problems. The USA in 1919 did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles being rejected by the United States Senate.
3. The League of Nations was "Toothless" (All bark no bite) and needed funds. In South Africa the British were out-right openly violating their own policies raiding gold supplies in 1895, and later fighting The South African Republic in the Boer War. Military General Jan Smuts who was a supporter of the League of Nations also a vocal supporter of segregation (Black Separation Politics in Africa) led the Union Defense Force in 1912. No African-run nations are noted, but illegal Euro led campaigns in South Africa were known to be supported. Regions in South America with religious ties to Catholicism were beseeched. The poorly handled Chaco War of 1922 to the Nazi annexation of Czechoslovakia added to the League's reputation for being toothless and as hypocrites growing worse even more after the Treaty of Versailles 1919.
4. Southeast Asian Nations & Samoa and other Pacific Island Nations were not part of the League of Nations, almost all with no interest of it's formation and some who had simply dismissed it as being of any importance. Asian nations that did join only did to keep informed on European politics or to use them to strengthen their own agenda. Japan in 1931 had conflicts with China at Manchuria and after a commission led by Lord Lytton of Great Britain who suggested that Manchuria be under the rule of the League, Japan was enraged and abandoned the League of Nations.
5. The Treaty of Versailles 1919 in Article (231) known as the "War Guilt Clause" was never accepted by the German people, assigning all responsibility for the World War, a clause which lay the ground for spoils of War. Article (232) told to disarm and give up all territories and pay reparations for all damages caused, never even an exact amount which left legal room for Germany to pay never-ending expenses. The perceived injustices of the Treaty, particularly the punitive measures imposed, feuled resentment and instability for Europe as a whole and geopolitical tensions intesified. All German allied territories were to be handed over and calling them "Territories" instead of allied "Trust regions" allowed the League to include any friends of the German Crown in the Asia Pacific, this being interpreted as fraud and an attmept to restart the Imperialist Wars all over again. The creation of the League itself was more of a military scheme collecting resources and hoped for Naval dominance (France and England Imperialists to benefit), money and power to help themselves, knowing that World War 2 would definitely come to pass, and it did. In 1940 Germany invaded Paris for the second time in 100 years and invaded Imperial Britain at London for the first time.
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Popular questions on The League of Nations
1. The League was created by opportunists who used the end of WW1 Treaties (Treaties that did not favor Germany), to catch up to German expansion. - True
2. The "idea" of a League of Nations or an international organization to sustain peace around the world was created by Britain and France. - False
3. Political minds from many nations and from several generations had suggested that there be a better forum for the International community. The idea of a League of Nations type of organization came from many political spheres and not an idea from a single individual. - True
4. United Nations is the same as The League of Nations with the same goals and policies. - False
5. The League of Nations was originally formed by French and British Loyalists, while The European Union was formed by French and Western German Socialists after the second World War. - TRUE