photo by Brett Hemmings
The Western Samoan Police Force team of 2011 gained big international props by beating The British Royal Navy team, The French Armed Forces team, devastated The Royal Navy of Australia team 53-3, and won against the Tongan Defense Service team.
Rugby fan "Here's how awesome this little part of Sports History is, which is ya pretty awesome, and happened just 2 years ago. That's right, the Samoan Police force team vs other nation's Military teams and the Samoan police force team won great applause. A single police force team up against the most fit nations."
- -The British Army team
- -British Royal Navy team
- -French Armed Forces team
- -Royal Navy of Australia team
- -Australian Defense Force team
- -New Zealand Defense Force team
- -The Tonga Defense Service team
- -China People's Liberation Army team
- -Republic of South Africa team
- -Australian Federal Police team
- -British Royal Air Force (RAF) team
The British Army Rugby team won the IDRC 2011 in the final match (International Defense Rugby Competition 2011), but who's actions were considered questionable, as they had selected over half their team from Pacific Islander Fijians who were in British military, allied recruits for the tournament. Tactical wise, it was a good move considering the opponents.
The results though were clear and in, and proved again, the Rugby dominance of South Pacific island models, with the top four teams from the Polynesian regions. The Samoa Police head coach Taulapapa Siaosi Toilolo, now has a place in International Rugby History. Samoan community were very pleased with the team’s efforts, and Taulapapa Siaosi Toilolo described the win and international placing as “a tremendous result”. He also thanked the Australian and New Zealand Defense Forces for hosting the event.
[-] "Samoa Police Rugby Team Wins Bronze in International Competition"
[-] There are some games online Youtube under the titles: "IDRC 2011"