Kani woke up one morning and strolled down to his garage wanting to check the summer weather. There was nothing out of sorts but he found a funny looking 2 wheels hanging neatly on the garage wall.
He wondered what it was doing there and of course had to get it down and check it out like any kid would. It was silver and had three nice blue stripes, obviously a boys 2 wheels. After getting the 2 wheels down and over looking the colors, Kani sat on the seat and found that it was just his size. He knew the basics of it's purpose but never tried to ride before.
At just that moment a man rode by on a larger 2 wheels, he was strolling slowly down the neighborhood and listening to music.
Kani became anxious, so young and full of energy, he had to be able to ride this new thing he had just found in his garage. It seemed put there specifically for him to wake up that morning and take it for a spin. A moment after, another person came riding down the street. A woman this time in pink shoes and sported with head gear and pads.
Kani said to himself "I want to ride the 2
wheels, I have to learn this......I'm sure I can do it by myself"
Kani stood for a little while and thought about how to begin, then said out loud this time "Yes!!!!...I think I got it, I will ride this 2 wheels!!!!..Cheeeee Hoooooooo!!!!"
While Kani shouted....a very rare .... and miraculous thing happened. A spirit had actually heard Kani's echoing voice. This spirit also was not just any spirit, but one from land's oldest times. The spirit just happened to be close by. He was known in older times as "TU ANE', The Gravel", earth cousin to the great spirit TU of ground.
The Gravel spirit hadn't heard someone in so long. Not many from the time he was created had the ability to communicate with elemental spirits. The Gravel looked on to that funny thick footed boy who had just shouted so loud, and whose voice was special to him in tone. The Gravel ground had seen many a little boy ride their wheels, but not such a stubborn and oddly faced boy wanting to teach himself. This boy was so unusual to him, not only was he gifted, but never had the Gravel spirit seen a boy with such Mana.
The energy was spraying out like a floating mist, with fire like ends above his head. It was a wonder why the Gravel spirit had not noticed this Mana or the boy before this day. The Gravel had to speak to him to satisfy his own curiosity. What to say though to someone with such Mana thought the great Gravel spirit. It was obvious he was about to attempt a ride on a 2 wheels. If something is said it must be something to get his attention, that way it will trigger a response.
So the Gravel said loudly in taunt "You don't know how to ride the 2 wheels little brat, you're just going to fall off.....then I'll have to scrape your knee you fool child...give it up already...you can't do it by yourself."
Kani looked around with knees bent in attack position and said "I can do it myself !! I will teach myself...(then calmly raise up with a funny face and asked).....who are you???
The great Gravel spirit then introduced himself. The Gravel spirit told Kani of his ability to communicate with spirits, and why he had heard Kani shouting. The Gravel spirit told Kani of "other" spirits too that he might encounter with his abilities. The Gravel also told Kani of the interesting flow of Mana seeping out of him, which seemed to have been triggered recently with new activities. The Gravel spirit warned Kani that so much Mana is bound to catch attention some day.
As the discussions went on, Kani remembered what the Gravel spirit said earlier about him not being able to ride by teaching himself. Kani then asked "So about the 2 wheels thing, do you still think I can't teach myself on it?"
The Gravel spirit smiled and said in jest "I think you can try, but in the end, you'll end up on the ground where I'll be scrapping you".
Kani said smiling "When I'm done...I will ride the 2 wheels on your face...all day..everyday until I'm tired."
The Gravel laughed so greatly he shook the ground until a car alarm in a far away parking lot went off because the boy was not close to being a man, but talked so large. The boy's words made the gravel happy, it had been a while since he was curious enough to speak so long, and then to hear heart filled words was a blessing.
The Gravel then said to the boy to test his courage "Ok child...ride your 2 wheel....but each time you fall I will have to scrape your knees, and you might bleed...be prepared fool little child."
The boy dismissed the warning and got on his 2 wheels. At first he could not even sit on the 2 wheels without falling. Each time his weight shifted off balance and he fell , and the Gravel came to scrape him slightly.
The great Sun then came out from his nap behind a few clouds, and was sure he had heard the voice of the gravel spirit. The great Sun looked hard for where the discussion was taking place and found the gravel spirit fully exposing himself on a small neighborhood street. The Sun sat watching this boy who had an obvious strong spirit talking to the gravel. When the Sun looked closer they were in the middle of fighting. The two were yelling back and fourth so the Sun just sat and watched for a time. The Sun summarized the boy was trying to learn the 2 wheels on his own. The Sun then took a chance at speaking through the arguments and said "Hey restless child...don't you know the gravel will scrape you?"
The Gravel spirit laughed and shouted up saying
"He will not listen, he wants to master the 2 wheels by himself!!!"
Kani then looked up in amazement as he heard the Sun speak with no mouth, and face to speak with either, but Kani could hear the Sun clearly in a deep an noble voice.
The Sun then warned Kani saying "Fool child...I'm about to heat this place up, when you fall and the gravel spirit scrapes you, it will also burn you... why not just ask someone to help you?"
Kani who was used to sticking up for himself said "I will ride this 2 wheels, and the Gravel spirit will then stop saying I can't. Thank you Mr. Sun for your concern, but I can do this...no one is around to help me, some in my life have passed on from this place. I have to learn things on my own."
Kani then went back to concentrating on the 2 wheels while the twp spirits were talking about Kani and his abilities, and how this 2 wheels learning had started.
Kani tried hard all during the day to ride his new 2 wheels, and inch by inch he was able to increase his coordination. Kani thought if he could just learn balance first then the riding will come more easy to him. He steadied the two wheels and balanced in place for awhile, only pushing forward very slowly. The driveway gave a good place to learn balance as he rolled downward. His balance improved but each time he fell, the Gravel scraped him. After awhile the Gravel spirit said "Quit already...I don't want to scrape you, but Iam after all the gravel."
Kani just said "No, I'll do it again....no worries, do what you're made to do, I forgive you."
Finally close to the evening when the Sun was getting ready to set, the Sun
looked over and said to the boy "I admire you restless boy, you will be a great man one day. I will see you again tomorrow when you ride your 2 wheels on the gravel". The Sun was already confident that Kani would succeed, and had wished him well in advance.
The boy looked up squinting his eyes and grinning at the Sun. It surely had been a long day and he was tired. He took one long breath before his next attempt. He hadn't much tolerance left to really fall again. In a final attempt to ride the 2 wheels he stood it up and ran with it, jumped on and balanced his way into a cruise. While Kani held his balance he began to pedal slowly, then on into a stride. The silver blue striped 2 wheels pushed forward very steadily and there was no trouble in balancing. Kani was riding. After a few hours of hard work he was able to ride like the people he had seen earlier that day. He stayed on a gradual down hill, and then turned easy on the street corner to a gradual up hill. Kani stopped with ease and started again at the neighborhood stop sign. The ride home was fast and windy, and well worth the effort he had put into learning the 2 wheels.
The Ancient Gravel said nothing and watched the kid ride his 2 wheels all the way around the block until Kani stopped back in front of his house. Taking in deep breathes from his ride, Kani looked back at where he had just ridden.
Kani looked at the great Gravel spirit, then up at the Sun spirit, then back to the Gravel spirit and said "Well how you like that gravel....oh yaaaaaaaa.....that was sooooooo fun." Then smiled wide at his Gravel Spirit friend.
The Gravel Spirit said " You did great boy!!!! You will be a pretty great man some day. You have a strong heart and I respect you for having no fear to learn on your own. Many have given up at my scrapings, but this small lesson will help shape you. The Mana around you is true."
Kani smiled and gave out a "CHEEEEEEEEEE HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" which was heard across the neighborhood, and with that, went inside to rest.
The next morning the Sun glanced over again at the same spot, and this time he saw Kani riding his 2 wheels like Kani said he would. Kani's Mana was much larger after the accomplishment and able to be felt by even the Great Sun . The Great Sun shine bright for him, proud of him, and kept the skies clean for his new determined friend. The End.
[Edited last on August 19th, 2011]
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