He was a busy person from day to day, staying with the weights after school keeping fit for his sports activities. He spent nights working on his arts and crafts inside his bedroom and loved to jam to his music. It was to be his freshman year in High school that year, and he was ready to meet some new challenges. This year was to be something of a big deal since this was the "first" year.
At that very same time, on the other side of the district, another Pacific island boy had just moved into the neighborhood. His family just came from a busy city, a good distance drive from the new suburb.
The father received work about 2 months ago in the area, and the family settled quickly buying a nice new home. The new Tongan kid was a very happy person and easy going, pretty large in height and had a very full head of hair, showing off a cultural trend. He was into gaming and great at clowning, which he made use of on his many sisters. He was also thinking that this year was something of an important time, and thought about what might come his way in the new school year.
It all happened one Monday when the young Tongan boy was in his second period class. He sat down like he always did in his spot in the back. He was doodling on his books, thinking about what the class was going to be about and if he did his homework.
Right then he heard some kids playing around in the middle of the room. He looked over in the center and saw a new guy playing around who had just had correction in his class schedule. The new guy was talking and talking with a big grin on his face to another kid, while he winked at a girl in the front of the classroom. At first the kid was just noticed cause he was playing around, but at a better look, it looked like another Poly.
The Tongan kid was becoming more interested in where this new guy came from and started skooting his chair, and making some noise himself just trying to get a good look at him. The Tongan kid was concentrating, staring closely at the kid's features, seeing if he was Pacifican. He saw some sharp teeth inside that grin, some Taro legs, thick smooth wavy hair, and some island eyes.
He was definitely from the Pacific islands, but from where. It was possible he was either Tongan, Samoan, or Maori with all that meat muscle on him. At the end of the class the Tongan guy walked up to the one he was curious about and asked
"Hey you...um....are you Polynesian?"
The Samoan kid said "I think so...let me check,.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yeppers..... I'm Samoan! ", and then just grinned for a second.
The Samoan kid was being very active at the time so the question wasn't totally taken in, the thought of the possibility that the one who was asking was also a Polynesian, didn't yet trigger. The Samoan boy then stopped.....and looked harder at the questioner. The Samoan kid then noticed that the guy in front of him was very island looking.
The Tongan guy of course wanted to punch him a little after that for his messing around too much, but decided not too because the bell rang and the Samoan kid directly said "Hey, lets go eat...you hungry man?" smiled and then asked "Hey, where you from bro?"
The Tongan guy said..."I'm Tongan, nice to meet you bro" he just realized, that he was in fact hungry, and that's why he was a bit moody.
He had not eaten at home before school that morning and was really more hungry than he thought. He was ready to grub in full force in the school lunch room as was his new Samoan pal. When they got to the lunch area, it was sure crowded like always. The Samoan guy looked around for a place to sit and chose the very center of the lunch room. The Tongan guy had sat in a different area of the lunch room before that but went ahead and went with the flow.
They sat their stuff down and went to the lunch line where they both noticed they were choosing a whole lot of pizza. They both had at least 8 large square cuts of the lunch pizza. At check out they looked at each others plates and gave a "a ready to grub" grin, both with some crazy islander cannibal eyes. The boys then dug in as soon as they sat at the table. Stuffing their faces, they started laughing but kept eating at the same time. Grubbin away, the Tongan kid stuffed a whole half slice of pizza down, but almost choked, when he looked around he laughed at the other kids who were watching them both. The Samoan guy then ripped a pizza in half to join his choking friend and then grinned with his stuffed mouth. After a small eating match in pizza they talked a bit, laughing and clowning on about the mess.
From then on the young Samoan and Tongan guy were best friends. The young Tongan guy then realized that the Samoan guy was always messing around, and that his response earlier was his normal attitude, much like himself.
The school year was going by fast with fun and friends, and the guys were ready for the spring season. Much had happened during the fall semester, with testing and studies. During that time they found they were so similar in attitude, nature, and strength, so the Samoan and Tongan boys just went ahead and started calling each other cousins, even people would ask sometimes if they were apart "Hey, wheres your cousin at?"
They lifted a lot of weights together after school, which brought the Samoan guy more understanding into his own natural abilities. The Samoan guy before this was used to out lifting his peers since early Jr. High, and held the record for leg lifting at his old school gym. The Tongan kid could leg lift too though, and had huge legs that he told the Samoan guy were his "Taro legs".
The Tongan guy said "You have them too bro, we all call them Taro Legs." When the Samoan guy was told that, he understood his leg strength had a history behind it. The Samoan guy taught his friend some tone techniques and they worked on a routine together to finish out the year with some results.
In return the Tongan kid taught the Samoan guy some things in Polynesian social behavior. He showed him some of the island humor and introduced him to the greatness of Reggae music and the "No worries" attitude.
One day they started talking about some personal stuff that was brought on by the whole island music teaching. Turns out the Samoan guy was raised slightly different than the Tongan guy. He had met even less Polynesians than the young Tongan boy, with little or no access to other island daily customs. So the Tongan guy decided to help his friend on traditional Polynesian manners. It was a good lesson and he did in the long run help his new friend and addressed the flirting tendencies.
Even with some missing daily traditions , the Samoan guy was very versed in traditional Polynesian Arts and craft, and a student of it's history. After some weight lifting one day they headed to the Samoan guys house for some grub, and the Tongan kid saw the Samoan guy's cultural studies framed on the house walls. The Tongan friend was impressed, and really wanted a traditional Tatau when he saw his friend had those ancient skills in him. The Tongan guy got him a sketch for a future Tatau that day from his friend, and also the Samoan guy inked his arm in detail so he could see what it would look like if it was permanent.
The two boys had bettered each other just with in a few months of their meeting, both accepting that they had a lot of room to grow.
For almost a month they just kicked it outside the Tongan kid's house where a new island neighbor with a large family always barbecued and played island jams. That school year time was hella good so far, and they like everyone else, were on their way to more good things.
One day though the Mana in the morning felt all off for everyone. Everyone seemed to be in a bad mood, and there was what seemed to be bad luck just happening all during early morning traffic and school breakfast times.
In any case school went on that day and the Samoan guy saw his Tongan friend at the first period class door talking to a girl, who looked like he was interested in. The bell rang, and the Samoan guy just laughed at the Tongan guy, and goofed at him. They went in the class and took their seats getting ready for the study review.
At that moment right before the teacher closed the door, some bad bad boys came around who usually skipped pushing the door open like they owned it. The teacher just let them in and didn't say anything about the pushing, then closed the door and started lessons. The Tongan guy had known some bad boys from his old neighborhood long ago before they moved to their new house. He told the Samoan friend in a whisper to watch those guys, maybe no good. The leader of the boys looking all mean, smirking in the wrong way took his seat and payed no attention to the teacher's lessons. At about the middle of the class period someone knocked at the door and the teacher answered, it sounded important so she said to keep reading and she'd be back soon.
The leader of the bad boys just couldn't wait to start trouble, and took his chance as soon as the teacher shut the door behind her. The guy started making fun of people, and the girl that the Tongan friend was talking to earlier at the start of the class, was trying to avoid being targeted.
She attempted to read like some of the other kids and ignore the bullys. The Samoan guy quickly fake coughed to get the attention, and then looked at the leader guy ugly before he got his chance to make fun the girl. The Tongan guy did the same only he tapped his pen very loudly and then grinned.
The Tongan guy then said very loudly in a clownish way, "You guys sure do talk a lot man......why you guys talk so much?".. the Samoan guy then said " You smell something man? Smells bad bro..something funky must be in the classroom." everyone in the class laughed since the bad boys could not reply and just sat angry in their seats since they had heard of the Tongan and Samoan guys as being very strong, it was more of a punk and everyone was just glad the bad guys didn't try and mess with people after that.
The leader just gave a look and turned back around in his seat when he heard the door open up and then said "Whateva, watch ya back man." The teacher not knowing what was going on, but heard the last words, asked the class but no one said anything. Class studies continued with snickers and ugly looks being exchanged from time to time between the leader and his friends, and the two Polynesian boys, but for the most part, it was thought to have been just an exchange of words.
It wasn't thought about again by the Samoan and Tongan guys after class had finished, since exchanging a few ugly looks never amounted to anything. They both went to separate classes, and were to meet up again during lunch before a gym class together.
The Tongan kid had brought some ps2 game cheats that day, and wanted to share his codes with his Samoan friend, who were both working on the same game, wanting to do an online match. So the Tongan guy left after class faster than usual, and headed to the lunch area. At lunch time break, both friends came walking down the lunch halls, one each from opposite ends of the halls.
The Tongan kid noticed people seemed to be walking around some things scattered on the floor, which was right in front of the hallway intersections. It didn't seem like a big deal until he saw his Samoan friend up closer, and with his locker was broken into. The Samoan kids gym cloths had been scattered under the bent door.
His books were being kicked around, and pictures were ripped, flung far out into the next hall area. The Samoan guy was mad, he picked his things up slowly, while thinking about the guys in the classroom who had started the fight earlier.
The Tongan friend started yelling at all the people in the hall, asking who did it. He finally got one guy up by the shirt who was walking down the hallway, and who he had seen talk to the bad boys before. He took him tighter by the shirt and asked if it was those trouble makers from class who broke his friend's locker. The Tongan guy didn't have to rough him up, the guy wanted to run from the Tongan and Samoan boys who both had ugly, hungry, and angry looks.
The Tongan guy said to his Samoan friend "well they're in the the lunch room, that kid who hangs out with them said, they're saying they'll be out after school"
That day during school, everyone knew what happened with the locker by the end of the day, and knew the boys from the class as trouble. Mostly it was rumored around during lunch times of what was going on.
After school, the crowd of High School kids gathered across the street. It seemed like the entire school was there just to finally see some trouble people get what they deserved.
The bad boys who showed up a little late, brought extra friends to the little High School after school gathering. A total of nine guys including the bad boy leader himself showed up. The new extra guys had been picked up from another school, one had a brother in with the guys who messed around in class earlier that day with the Tongan and Samoan boys.
Seemed more and more people started gathering, and with the kids, some school staff members attempted to observe the crowds from across the street, trying to pinpoint the causes.
The Tongan kid put up his hair and got ready to fight, he hadn't though been in such a large after school fight before. There was so many in number on the bad kid's side, and on top of that, a large crowd. He had seen people fight where he grew up, but thought this after school show attracted a bit too many people.
He started wondering what his friend the Samoan guy would do, since he was from another area. The Samoan guy was cool, biting his finder nails and starring off into space, irritated about his locker but pretty layed back. Right then, when the Tongan kiddo who was in the middle of thinking,....
the Samoan kid started to yell, being more irritated it was all taking so long, and after reviewing the circumstances again, for which he blamed on them and their antics.
The Samoan guy said "Come on!!!...there's only two of us...what the hell you waitin for...get it on already..."
The numbers were enough to be cautious for the bad guys , they had never seen two people against nine people in a fight. They also didn't know what to taunt them with, word wise. They had never gone up against Samoan and Tongan boys.
The student crowd was waiting and just new it most likely was another High school stare contest. The boys on the others side of the islander boys were looking at each other, getting stared down on who would back up all their big bad talk during the entire school semester. They got mad at each other first and then pushed the guy up in front who had broken the locker in the first place.
The guy who had started it all in the class room wasn't apparently the one who broke the locker but did help in instigating his friend into doing it. The guy who messed up the Samoan guy's locker then came at the Tongan guy instead, going for his right side, opposite side where the Samoan guy was standing. The Tongan guy being taller, lifted his head to avoid the punch. In a quick defense, the Tongan guy right stepped, widening his stance, and then right handed bear swiped the guy across face and shoulder in one powerful swoop.
With one open hand the Tongan guy made him do a full half spin. The Samoan being very toned and very fast, stepped quickly in and punched the same guy 4 times before he even fell to the ground. The Samoan guy gave two quick left jabs next to the back neck, one right hand in the lower back, and then again with a final left in the side. The Samoan guy ended it with a left kick, pushing him to the ground face first, with both Polynesian boys standing over him.
It would seem the two new friends were a match in fighting like everything else they had seen during the school year, and from that moment in the fight, they knew this fight would be a bit one sided. The bad boys attacked with less confidence after their friend was crawling back to them, and the fight was over with in about 5 min.
The Tongan kid took on three shoving and kicking them like paper in the wind, while the Samoan guy took on three, with the other boys unable to keep up with his punches. The remaining guys, including the one who had started the mess in the class room, never even joined. He just hopped around pushing others and very soon after, the bad boys spread out as if someone was coming to arrest them... but no one came.
Neither of the island boys really said anything afterward, just looked around at the people starring at what just happened. Two guys against nine, with the larger party running away. The Samoan guy was already looking at a girl in the crowd, while the Tongan guy just shaking his head, but smiling because of the funny situation they had just been in.
The two island boys were from then on, party centers at High school get togethers, and made a lot of new friends that year. They also had many more comparisons to make with each other. It was a good year even though the Principal & Staff labeled the Samoan guy, and the Tongan guy as bad boy members from then on. The staff had also never heard of two boys against nine, and thought they must have been from another trouble area. Even with the confused label by school staff, Da two young boys of Samoa and Tonga came out with Mana! The End.
[Edited last on September 20th, 2012]
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