💫What some believed to be Egyptian Induction coils
Many historical works have attempted to explain or compare ancient technology to modern technology and the subject has given way to thousands of theories and stories, with this post in TMBW now being among them, hoping to play with some theory and contribute to the mysteries and wonder of Ancient Times 💭. Our theory begins with the power of a magnetized piece of iron leading to the first devices. Magnetic tools are no stranger in the ancient worlds, a trait discovered through the journey of advanced Metallurgy. Early artifacts that contained electromagnet properties created on occasion, discharged electrostatic. The iron-magnet and electro-magnet studies eventually led into research of the alternating currents and on into so many modern electrical devices.
The spark of electrostatic appears with the friction of opposing magnetic fields, that do if powerful enough create large 'sparked charges' 💥 and would much later be claimed by the modern Scientist man, stolen from the humble Artisan, Craftsman, the Blacksmith, the Jeweler, and the Armorer.
The Magnet and Egypt - Asia and the Beginning
One of the greatest accomplishments of Egypt were impressive construction methods, applied to build the most elaborate tributes to ancestors. These tributes were statues, tombs, columns, and Godly houses or Palaces. It would seem that no other purpose for construction was to build more elaborate tributes and archives to upper houses. In doing so grand pyramids began taking shape which were once step-pyramid designs like that in Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Asia Pacific. Ancient Egypt being the cross-roads of Asia and Africa, it's beginnings link with waves from Austro-Asiatic Hindic South Asia.
The Step-pyramids in early-Egypt were effective in encasing as a Royal tomb but without further modification, multiple chambers and moving parts (access doors) became structural issues. Large Royal tombs would collapse with pressure changes being a solid single unit with multiple long corridors. The changes in pressure from varying opening points and long corridors gave way to the "Triangle architectural form" 😀that the world sees today. This triangular structural design off-set the top weight for the more ambitious Architectural projects.
As Egyptian wealth grew these tombs became banks of untold treasure as they would store possessions and tributes. This brought about the construction of safety measures that included fake doors and turning mechanisms for actual doors and passageways. The turning mechanisms contained magnetic cylinders, which latched onto a key always held by the Pharaohs, the key was called the Ankh. The magnetic cylinders were then attached to private entrance, used as a locking mechanism, and the entrance to corridor usually covered by a grand statue, possibly a Egyptian guardian statue and not an actual door shape. When the Ankh key was in proximity the Ankh working like a compass, stuck inside, which then moved the magnetic cylinder unlocking the door that was latched with weights, or released pressure that then opened a large and heavy entrance statue.
The Ankh is held in-hand in many Pharaoh depictions and archives, sometimes with a Sceptre. The Sceptre has a head representing the Canaan region, which is a symbol of military power in Canaan, a region created by Pharaoh just outside the core Egyptian areas. So, in one hand the Pharaoh holds the wealth of the Empire, and in the other holds its Army (or armory stronghold). Thousands of years later other western Empires would copy the same Ancient Egyptian Imperial emblematic relics that embodied power, with their own European Kings of the west in oiled self-portraits holding objects of their own National power, some in-hand objects representing Religious power and then Military power with their crown atop their heads representing blood-line and religious links.
The invention of the Egyptian Induction Coil with an alternating magnetic field is theorized to be of these Djed Cylinders, discovered through the use of magnetics in earlier Egyptian construction which the original Induction coils were magnet cylinders but then wrapped in a metal conductor coil, the coil being a way to direct the flow of the magnet's northern and southern poles (alternating the fields) and making it an artificial light source and heat source. The more coils wrapped around the magnet, the stronger the electromagnetic field. Experiments of this electromagnetic induction were explained in the west by scientist Michael Faraday (1791-1876) 👍.
Myths or Reality - Magnetism in the Ancient Worlds
The myth around Thor's hammer having an electro-power also can be seen from an electromagnetic standpoint, as his hammer was theorized, if real, to be made of solid iron and then the handle wrapped in a conductive metal. This would make the hammer an awfully big and heavy electro-magnet. Also a rounded handle at the bottom of the hammer, like a bulls ring at the end, would have helped create a positive and negative field.