Raiders of the Lost Ark: Indiana Jones 1981
A truly remarkable work of artisanship and craftsmanship is The Ark of the Covenant. This priceless relic was once a functioning ritual in War and politics during the Canaanite Wars. In the 1981 movie "Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark", any army who marched with the Ark in arms was an invincible force, which made it the most mysterious and wanted object, in the movie of course. The Ark in the movie shown magical and mysterious powers of the lord, with sparks of light flowing from within, pushing everyone down to its power. After modern religious investigations, the mystery was unveiled and the result of it all in very simple words is that the Arks were "Portable BBQ grills with emblematic figures on top", to put it kindly.
In the surrounding regions of Egypt, sacrifices were a common religious practice, some going as far as using altars to sacrifice daughters and slaves to their Gods. These gifts were given regularly and to many Gods. Sacrifices to Gods shown as well in Greek theology, with The Bible mentioning many Euro and middle-eastern cults who immersed in the practice of gifts-for-the-Gods. The Arks were created for this widely spread religious function, mainly the Arks were "portable temple", and a portable station for tribute, a more convenient way for gifting the Gods. Some Arks took only gifts of burning, maybe an herb or treasured food item. Other metal vessels and centers of sacrifice in the Bible have been called "The Horns of Altar". The horns on the four sides of the Altar represent teeth.
Another version of an Ark called an Altar
In Ancient Egypt, Pharaoh was the one true God, and for war, Arks were beautifully crafted with the emblems of Egyptian figures to dominate the wide spread practice with "gold and glamor". The golden sculptural figures on the lid represented the Egyptian figure who had sent the Ark or who would obtain the tribute. The Arks being carried into war would then take on tributes, sacrifices, and prayer throughout the endeavor. Studies show that more than one Ark were carried with the military, each with separate functions and tributary ceremony. Some Arks are questioned to have been sent at times to sacrifice a disobedient future king or queen, a youngling of royal birth.
The Ark of the Pharaoh was given tribute with golden gifts, jewels, or fine crafts by the highest Kings and Queens, all would bow in worship in its presence, including King Solomon who married a branch family member of Pharaoh. The highest Arks under went very formal and elegant ceremony, and not sacrificed on, or even touched by foreign hands. Only appointed monks could carry out ceremony. This would explain the mysterious power which made all bow in worship. The Pharaohs Arch had two winged figures facing each other, holy anointed, as the figures represented a class or legionnaire directly under Pharaoh houses. Some interpreted models or fabrications of "Gods Ark", or "The Ark of the Covenant" show the wings straight forward, but the authentic model might have had both winged figures facing each other, with one wing up, one wing down, which is a formal artistic representation for a "gift for Pharaoh". An artistic gift for Pharaoh can be seen on the "Eye of Wedjat pendent", some call it the Eye of Horus or Udjat Pendent, which would be worn by the beautiful gift herself.