The little Moana bird woke up with the sun, and there in the morning saw one of the great Elder Birds. Talofa Elder Bird Tui Tevita said the little one, I’m just readying myself for the fresh day today.
I heard you from the village little Moana bird said The Elder.. Oh yes said the little one, I was singing!
Chirpy Chamoa, Chirp Chirp Chirpy Chamoa
Chirpuurua Chirpuurua, Cheeeeeehoooo!!!
said the energetic Moana bird.
The cheerful chirp sounds wonderful this new day said The Great Elder.
Now lets see if this helps your morning song little one,
stretch your wings and spread them out as wide as you can.
Like this Elder?
Yes, that’s good, now spread your tail feathers out as well and let the wind
blow through them. Your wings seem strong and your stance is firm
Now let’s here that chirp again, and this time give the song all you have!
I’ll do my best Elder Great Bird, think if you like this,
Chirpy Chamoa, Chirp Chirp Chirpy Chamoa
Chirpuurua Chirpuurua
That was Manu little one! said The Elder Bird
Great Langi!!! What in the Moana was that you did with it?
My Siva Siva you mean? said little one
Oh that’s just my little dance I made to go
with what I call my Chirp Tau Dance.
Chirpy Chamoa, Chirp Chirp Chirpy Chamoa
Chirpuurua Chirpuurua
Che Che Chahee
Alright Lets go little Moana bird, lets not waste this great morning, lets go and sing for the entire island said Elder. Sounds great Elder said the little one. The End.
Manu Story for ages 3-7
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Monday, July 11, 2011
Chirp great little Moana Bird

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