◀✪▶ News Update: Economic hardships are on the rise in many nations with people cutting out BRAND name products >>> ◀✪▶ Housing News: Big Cities are becoming MONEY TRAPS with rising costs and with some US. states having NO Rent control laws to prevent steep hikes >>> ◀✪▶ Community News: Meat prices will likely continue to soar in the USA with rising feed costs >>> ◀✪▶ Gaming News: E-SPORTS are growing and even becoming supported with University teams in Asian nations

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

TMBW notice to its Readers - Raising money for TMBW Writers Fund

Thank you for visiting TMBW but for now we are closed for maintenance and other reasons and taking Donations to the TMBW Writers Fund. The work and research done has already taken a considerable amount of time and energy but was done in the spirit of community 👪. There are so many up and coming Asia Pacific-Pacific Islander Artists, Athletes, and Entertainers to follow and share stories about along with many areas of Pacific History to research. We would like to expand on Polynesian Family Health, Parenting, Pet-care, Pacific News, Tech News, and Asia Pacific Environmental News, and important issues that matter to Polynesians and their families but its possible that TMBW will stay closed without funding. 

Donating $5.00-$10.00 dollars 👌 is enough with a goal of at least $30,000 and with the funding we will be able to focus more time on building up TMBW out of a Blog-space with more writers. In any case it was worth the time spent on these projects helping ourselves and community develop.

Donation link is from to the TMBW Writers Fund. Stay Happy and Safe and goodluck to us all. Feel free to check back with us later. 

Thank you and have a MANA day!

Back to Main Page | Events | Local Weather 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Health advice for Samoan Tongan and Polynesian Americans to eat High Zinc and Potassium rich foods

Theres a lot of health information out there online on what to eat for people from the USA and other areas of the world hoping to
 achieve their perfect body says a Pacific Islander Dietitian, but Polynesians should be mindful that they may need a diet more traditional with traditional recipes 💪. Hawaiian cooking has significantly advanced over the last 50 years being such a successful tourist destination and has a wide variety and mixture of Asia Pacific-Polynesian foods, and might be a great place to start if someone is looking to change things up.

"As a man from the Asia Pacific from Tafuna of Eastern Samoa (American Samoa) I've always been healthy but my body does feel lacking at times in winter in America, a place with a weather cycle very different from that in the islands. Gotta have the island food dipped in the coconut cream and that Ginger tea works wonders on blood pressure. Dont get lazy and buy the tea bags with ginger flavor and some Ginger seasoning, buy the Ginger Roots from the store, cut them in coins with boiled water, strain it, and add some sugar if you like. Thats the good stuff"

'I buy like pizza which tastes really good, Iam a Pizza and Bacon Burger lover but it's kinda like filling my body with the wrong gas' 

'I've recently worked on a High Zinc Diet which happens to be all kinds of Seafood Meats...Fish, Crab legs, Shrimp, Lobster etc.. My body really needs things like Zincs and the Omegas in Seafoods, and also Potassium which is found in things like Taro, Bananas, Yams, Potatoes. It's really about putting the right things in my body for the long term, real health, meaning my body literally needs those foods for it to sustain my strength. If people are shaped by their environment and Samoans and Polynesians have been in the South Pacific for thousands and thousands of years, then of course, those foods are key for a healthy life in development and older ages'

There was something of a Polynesian health campaign in 2012 by Chris Vagai stating "Eat what your Ancestors ate" 👹, unfortunately the health campaign may have been contracted work and so it isn't found online very easily these days. The message was simply that what was great for island fathers and mothers, is good and essential for the next generations.


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Aggressive Western Women in 2023 - Polynesian Males notice the change in behavior but is it good?

'When times of 💓Love were simpler'

A study by University students in Texas says "Women are becoming more and more sexually competitive and actively showing this aggression in the main stream media" Men around the world may not be aware of the fact that in 2018 the women of today have unofficially declared WAR on each other, competing aggressively in social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.) , fashion magazines, adult websites, music videos, and even politics for power positions. There's even a sort of ethnic beauty competition raging in those softly sung country and pop songs. The women of the USA, UK, NZ, Australia, and Canada are sizing each other up to see who's the most sexy, most beautiful, most desired woman type.

"Have you seen the music industry and videos on Facebook lately from 2018-2023, its a booty and leg war, a sexy lips and eye shadow War. This is the most aggressive that women have ever been in the history of the USA and it's all to get the POWER MAN 💪, the best seed, to attract that body building easy or well-off provider"

"The Samoan man and Pacific islander have a real advantage right now, they look gorgeous when or if they work-out and take care of their body physically, to both white and black women they look amazing and Indians and Mexicans just think they're some new super breed of brown man. The Samoan man has the body, the history, the culture, and a status giving opportunity. The Black women of America are looking amazing and they like a Samoan Rock. I say this with respect, please don't take it wrong Amazonian mafia"

"I love my Samoan culture but some of these Samoan and Tongan Poly ladies are too damn hard to get, too damn churchy, too damn high headed. I still love them though, Samoan and Tongan women I think are the most beautiful women in the world but if the others are competing and the Poly lady is all stuck on herself.. I'm shopping elsewhere"

Results of the study show that it's partly the meeting of the people, the crossroads, the diversity, and the ability to easily connect through the internet is what's fueling these territorial and possessive traits to be the best, most THIC 💥, most attractive woman figure, and partly due to geopolitical shifts in the west triggering a business and cultural survivalist atmosphere. Its possible this is great news for many men in terms of hooking-up...possible .

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Americans are 'MAD' at sky-high Apartment Rents and Housing prices: How mad should people be at this Emergency?

Hosted by Jason on Youtube: Living in Asia (China) costs of 
Rental Housing and Utility expenses 😎

While mainstream US. media can talk about nothing but election politics and Climate Crisis weather across the Atlantic in Europe, in the states, Rents and Housing prices are going up, and up, and up, with some US. states not having Rent Control Laws in place to protect their own residents. The state of Texas is one of those states and prices have tripled since 2019 in major cities, which may move toward $2,000.00-$2,500.00 a month in the future for a single one bedroom f0r 550-600 square ft. In the states of Arizona, California, New York, and Florida, the homelessness populations have turned into actual slum-towns within cities, similar to what is witnessed in the nation of India with hundreds living under bridges and by abandoned buildings.

These Luxury Rental prices are missing one thing, which is the luxury, with most of the Texas properties up for lease built in the 1970s (almost 50 years ago) with unhealthy beaten down air-conditioner units that drink electricity, old piping, outdated bathroom and shower fixtures, matted carpeting, and with roach and bed bug infestations 👀. Development and infrastructure along with Poverty alleviation efforts that lifted over 800 million people out of extreme poverty (almost 3xs the population of the USA - 300 million) in the Asia Pacific has caught the eyes of many nations, and now on Youtube it's being shown the differences in price and living conditions in major Chinese cities on several channels, posted on social media from westerners who have moved to Asia (China). 

"These people here in the USA sometimes blame immigration, bad living habits such as substance abuse, and sometimes just blame a single political party. All the while nothing is being done except continued conversation and debate. In Asia they've already fixed the problem for the most part, 3xs over our population for over 800 million people, and then went steps further and built the most modern super cities that are ready for the next 10-20 years of population growth"

"Since family is involved, I can't just hope that things will change anytime. There has been no sign and barely enough talk"

Not only are the new Apartments impressive in their construction, but are far bigger and cheaper (several bedrooms for the price of one in the states), which come with brand new and updated fixtures, however its really the Utility expenses and Internet services that truly shame anything found in the west.

Internet service 2020-2022
CHN 220 MBPS = $25.00 a month
USA 35MBPS = $65.00-$85.00 a month

Electricity Utility service - Summer 2022
CHN $45.00 for 3 BDR Apartment 
USA $230.00-$300.00 a month for 1 BDR Apartment

Homelessness in the US. state of California with many times the 
mainstream media only blaming drugs and alcohol abuse 💥. The reality is that 
this is happening all over the United States including Hawaii

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

BREXIT and remembering that racism helped destroy the UK: PM Boris Johnson leaving but not soon enough

Remembering 2016 and the reasons for BREXIT and who 
BREXIT was led by - Vice News report posted 2016

In 2016, western Populist rhetoric had spread to both the United Kingdom and the United States. Mainstream media and some social media channels from Liberal Tory supporters in Australia were constantly black-balling East Asian progress with fake market reports and of fake News infrastructure schemes. Muslims and Chinese were the first targeted by United Kingdom media which became the added 'fear factor' to boost the votes towards leaving the European Union, a European Union which does include Muslim nations such as Turkey, therefore them having access to other European Union member nations such as the UK. The leader of the UK Brexit Nigel Farage once stated that 'the EU Referendum is about nothing less than the safety and security of British women' while addressing the European Parliament, quoting a reporter and spreading more fearful reasons to justify the beginning of a new and more independent Great Britain. There has been consensus that there were existing issues with some groups entering the UK, but those problems were handled too irrationally and with broad reckless diplomacy. Promises were made year after year by the Tory Party and in 2020 Boris Johnson stated he would release BREXIT potential, saying that it was a wonderful opportunity to take back British Laws, it's borders, and it's Trade. 

"The problem is the British want control, economic prosperity, and access to European Markets and trade without allowing European Nations to have access to the UK and with no say in law. These demands by the British are absurd considering they manufacture nothing, make most of their money through trade with foreign markets, and were in the first place not invited to the European Union. The majority of the UK people who voted for BREXIT Independence don't realize that it would put them in a state of economic seclusion, mostly its an educational problem of Imperial brainwashing who still attempt to portray themselves as rulers and Colonizers when they never were in the first place and all attempts overseas failed miserably. All this while blocking information on the rise of a new Asian Century" 

With 2023 almost upon the United Kingdom, nothing but the worst economic predictions have come true with inflation and a possibility of hyperinflation gripping the country, partly due to significant disruptions in trade, and development has come to an almost halt causing a Housing Crisis. The British Fishing Industry and it's workers who supported BREXIT have been since 2021 facing financial ruin with time-scale difficulties, unable to export their product with no route to market as was promised, Paul Blewett said in 2021 to Channel 4 news "At the moment it feels like you're gambling with a lorry load (50,000 lbs)" meaning the uncertainty of selling what the Fishing Industry catches has not been resolved. There is also worry among UK citizens that there may not even be a United Kingdom in the future if a 2nd Scottish Referendum votes to leave in favor of the European Union which may occur in 2023. 

The result of BREXIT and inflation in 2022 with no plan yet
 to fix the United Kingdom's economy- Channel 4 British News 2022

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Normalizing ties in the Asia Pacific: Canada, US., New Zealand, and China

Antony Blinken and Foreign Minister Wang Yi

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China Wang Yi called for a 'Normalization of political ties'. A report by CNN stated that US officials had said before the talks, that the meeting after the G20 was aimed at keeping the difficult US-China relationship stable and preventing it from veering inadvertently into an Asia Pacific conflict. In late June, US. National Security adviser Jake Sullivan has said US. President Joe Biden and China’s Xi were expected to meet again in the next few weeks. 

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Japanese Anime a continued favorite for Polynesians in both Generation X and Millennials

Fist of the North Star movie 💥1986 by Toei Animation

Anime has hit the Asia Polynesian Pacifica culture very well as Japanese Theology and Mythology are very similar to Asia Outer-Oceania Pacific cultures. Polynesians who admire Japanese Anime have been mostly found in Generation X (1965-1980) and Millennials (born between 1981-1996).

What's the difference in Japanimation and Cartoons
The difference in Anime or Japanimation  and Western Cartoons is Anime has been produced for adult and family audiences and considered a creative Fine Art form, while in the west, cartoons like 😸Tom and Jerry were limited for child audiences. The importance of the art form is viewed completely different in Japan with Japanese artists having a claim on its invention . 

Popular Anime
In the 1980s it was hard to find good Japanese Anime in the west before there was online streaming video starting in the 2000s. It was just in 2007 when more online platforms with streaming video were popping up with online MMORPG gaming. Since then the Anime lover numbers have boomed with sites like CRUNCHYROLL able to show Japanese talents to wider audiences.

One of the most famous Anime Series in the west was Naruto which was released in 2005. The series Naruto became so popular and ran so long, the older versions were remastered to be able to give new generations a chance to join and enjoy the series with both Generation X and Millennials. The series Naruto has 220 episodes while Naruto Shippuden has 500 episodes. Then there are the Naruto movies which is another long list and when Generation X and Millennials became fatherly ages, a Naruto as an adult and his son was released (Boruto) with more in the making. and now Netflix has some of the beginning episodes of Naruto. Other western anime favorite series from the 1980s to the mid 2000s include Bleach 2004Dragon Ball Z 1989, Berserk 1997, Inuyasha 2000, Pokemon 1997, and 💀 Death Note 2006.

Popular first Anime Movies 
If Anime is a new experience there's a lot of catching up to do. There's a huge range of new series out these days with amazingly entertaining content like the series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 2019 but in order to really know the difference in quality and understand what should be expected, many fans would recommend to watch past Anime Big Hits. The movies listed below will help start any new explorer dive into the fascinating and entertaining world of Japanese Animation.

(1986) Fist of the North Star
(1984) Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
(1985) Vampire Hunter D 💔
(1986) Laputa: Castle in the Sky
(1988) Akira
(1993) Ninja Scroll 👌
(1997) Princess Mononoke 💋
(1998) Grave of the Fireflies
(2001) Spirited Away
(2004) Howl's moving Castle
(2008) Ponyo

Friday, May 27, 2022

China Minister seeks a forum with Polynesian Nations: Australia and New Zealand intentions under scope

New Labor led Australian Government
pitches a stronger alliance to Pacific Nations

Chinese foreign Minister Wang Yi is seeking a region wide deal with the Pacific Island Forum on a possible lucrative Free-Trade deal for Pacific Island nations and Security-pacts supporting sovereignty. There will be talks on support for climate change and Health. The Pro-Liberal Party Australian Sky News has deemed this move by China a military act and has called for a reaction, however many say that Australia's intentions are the ones in question as are National Party intentions from New Zealand. 

An Australasia Map showing a claim on Polynesia
and Aotearoa New Zealand as it's sub-region

New Zealandia map of Polynesia linking to Australasia
calling the region a missing continent by the BBC
(mapped as owned by New Zealand)

The new Labor Prime Minister of Australia Anthony Albanese that recently replaced PM Scott Morrison, has sent Minister of Foreign Affairs Penny Wong to also meet with Asia Pacific - Pacific Island Nations to reestablish ties.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated "China has long insisted on providing economic an technological assistance with no political strings attached. We have provided more than 100 projects of assistance, provided more than 200 projects of material assistance, and helped trained 10,000 in various fields" 

Australia's Penny Wong has admitted that under past Australian Government, they have have ignored Climate talks and disrespected Pacific Island nation calls for immediate action. In March of 2022, Eastern Australia experienced the greatest flooding in it's national history leaving thousands and thousands homeless and out of business, many of whom are still in recovery and angry at the lack of Liberal Party help under former PM Scott Morrison. It is also remembered that when the Liberal Party was in office during a Covid Pandemic, Unions and labor forces were the first ones targeted with Mandates. The National Party of New Zealand is no better and when in office, pursues an unshared Anglo vision of New Zealand. Australia is now pledging new promises, but they might be too-little too-late, and only a reactionary tact to growing influences in the region against those who have proven their dedication to progress. 

Please note that Liberal Party in foreign nations are not the same as 'United States Liberal Party' and that using the Party name of Liberal, Reform, National, or Conservative, often have little to do with their actual political stances. 

Quiz It: What American Samoan diver was born on January 29th, 1960 and is considered The World's Greatest Olympic Diver in World History. The only diver to sweep the boards 8 consecutive years. » Check out TMBW Answers Feed! New!

TMBW Community Report: Electric Cars are here to stay and electricity can be easily home-made and battery stored. It's just a matter of time before the switch, learn how to make electricity with a home turbine.

TMBW On-going works: Mana History & A.P.I.A. Studies is an on-going personal history project, please continue to check back. The Samoan History and Related Events Timeline has been worked on. The Maori Wars History is now almost complete.

TMBW Announcement: We are trying to work out a way to best help Asia Pacific islanders learn all aspects about the vast East Asian, Southeast Asian, and Polynesian Pacific regions.

Linked to TMBW Online Forum ★
Talofa - Aloha and Welcome
Community Video Section » Linked to Youtube

•Siva Tau, Haka, and recently Sipi Tau

•Welcome to Hawaii-USA 4k

•Western & Eastern Samoa Tour

•Tahiti Polynesian Island Pacific 4k

•The culture of Tonga Islands

•Aotearoa NZ Tour of the place

•Samoan Proverb: " Talanoa atu, ‘ae le talanoa manu.- meaning a careless way will be taken by surprise by the alert. "
•Best Moana Quotes: "E aogâ vai pâlagi mo ma'i pâlagi, 'ae aogâ vao Samoa mo ma'i Samoa."
•Best Rugby Quotes: "World Rugby is now seeing Islands beating Continents"
•Best New Quote: "If theres one thing Samoan culture will teach us, it's how to take on life's Mosquitoes".

Cartoon By Ione K. Birdman
◘ Health Interests

#1 tip Trust in Medical help has lowered since year 2000, especially when it comes to Cancer Treatments. Promises unkept for cures and breakthroughs in new research never applied, or with poor results, for over 40 years has raised skepticism. Following the most advanced tech nations instead of relying on easy access convenient hospitalization has been recommended for those looking for better medical help.

#1 tipA Community report says to "Beware of TAP WATER" [Tap Water can be Dangerous]. Outside the island, there are industrialized cities with real toxic issues. On the surface the City may have great rides, food, highways, and parks, but have under it all "toxic or environmental health issues" due to old Landfills and Water Infrastructure being ignored. If an area has a waste smell, the ground nearby could be a covered over Landfill where a town has expanded, buried the old one, and moved to a new location. Buying clean bottled water is an important choice, and will save a person's health.
◘ Community Interests

#1 tipPacific Islander American Community report on "Banking Overdraft Schemes" which resequence transactions on lower income accounts to make the accounts overdraft. In the Banking Scheme, transactions are being posted in an order that benefits the banking fees, and costing the customer possibly hundreds of dollars. The Banking Overdraft Schemes have been reported to still be attempted. Keep your money in a trusted Bank. Do not just sign up to any bank.

#1 tip Check out your local Library for community events. Also a Library can subscribe to Polynesian Newspapers and Magazines so that you and your kids can read them. Organizing a way to have books and media content (movies and news) able for your community to check out is important. Organize your local Library on how to get things started. Classes in public school are also being asked by local community for more Pacific languages and culture to be taught.

Visual By Ione K. Birdman

Da boys of Samoa & Tonga »
In a suburb with growing business centers and newly built neighborhoods far away in the mainland

Sekilini Leaena favorite school lunch »
Leipua sits in class at school with her favorite lunch waiting for the bell.
Chirp great little Moana Bird »
The little Moana bird woke up with the sun, and there in the morning saw one

Kani & The 2 wheels »
Kani woke up one morning and strolled down to his garage wanting to check

Smart Smart Kavika needs experience »
Eleven and a half year old Kavika had a very small turtle he loved very

•Top Page | •Quiz it | •Hot Topics | •Fun Facts

Community Message

Fun Fact: Mana Improvement founded by Ione K. Birdman in 2006 was to help new growing Pacific community begin interests online. He started Tui Tablet in 2009 which became TMBW in 2010.

Who's your favorite Samoa Rugby player?

Manu Tuilagi
Ma'a Nonu
Alesana Tuilagi
Phoenix Nofoa
Paul Williams
Mose Masoe
Peter Fatialofa
Jerome Kaino
Tuivasa Sheck
Alafoti Faosiliva
Steve Matai
Julian Savea
Trevor Leota
Cameron Skelton
Brian Lima

Community Message
Visual By Ione K. Birdman

Visual of course by the great Ione K. Birdman

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Community Message

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