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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Polynesian History and Asia Pacific History under attack 2012 by Western extremism - A Look back after over 10 years

A founder Thor Heyerdahl of white-washed propaganda in Polynesia, claiming they were a former white Native race from South America who conquered Meso-American Empires and sailed to Polynesia

Ever since Transnational Navigation has been claimed to be a quest of "Greater than most Men" a person with the explorer gene, a colonizer of the world, the Pacific Islander and Polynesian History has been under the scope of jealousy. In the 1990's much of the time the only thing that could be found on Polynesia were half-page summary resourced from an Encyclopedia or by a travel guide. Around the early 2000's, internet information sites like Wikipedia grew to popularity by giving the impression that truth and knowledge was the goal of it's website. However by 2005 Polynesian and other Asia Pacific Islander areas were being slandered about with their histories white-washed into a European vs Asia Pacific or regional combat scenario and the references used many a time were News articles and old racial western ethnographic studies, even some referencing Thor Heyerdahl in modern origin studies. 

The War of Words 2012 as it was once called, spread far passed Wikipedia and Yahoo Answer and forum sites. Those ugly tactics using the power of repetition to make falsehoods a fact, race-baiting, fear mongering, fabrication of issues, controlling the narrative, misrepresentation, demonizing, and gaslighting, started showing in major News like FOX News, BBC, Reuters, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Sky News Australia, WION (British-Indian News), VOX,, AL Jazeera, and Yahoo News, all propagating, provoking, and slandering to not only stay afloat in an online post-newspaper route world, but some more than others, to help fuel populist political movements and Coalition objectives. 

"It reminds people of when religious academia competed with new Sciences in the 19th century, thats how bad it is now. Only the new religion is Politics. They give it for FREE, imagine that.. what in the west is free? Free History lesson, Free News, ... of course its free right, because its radical crazy dust wrapped in click-bait titles, comes with an extra wire to plug into your brain. And if that wasnt enough an algorithm will do a follow-up to make sure you too are a proud citizen of Nutzville and a happy brain washed zombie"

"How far passed wikipages has it gone? We're seeing selective study groups in various western University now, people in Anthropology and genetic studies"

"It started with lies in 2005-2010, then a few more lies, then some stitching and switching about history, then Media supported the lies and vice versa in 2012, then came open Political backing that sturred the whole mix together into one big decade long crap storm around 2016. This is all because of the need for money and power and the Asia Pacific is a major influence these days"

"One of the most embarrassing exhibitions was by racist Thor Heyerdahl who boasted to have well studied Polynesian cultures, without ever stepping foot on the beaches first. Who writes a History of a place they've never really been too? We've seen British white extremism in New Zealand attempt the exact same thing, writing and making documentary on The Red Headed Race of New Zealand while also rewriting events like The Maori Wars and The Treaty of Waitangi"

10 years later looking back on 2012
Looking back on 2012, most didnt know or see what was happening in the United States but as the years progressed, more campaigns arose from far-right and right-wing extremists on 3 major areas in the West. Those areas being the USA, Australia, and the United Kingdom. 

The UK over the last 10 years has been through major upheaval with radical racism and political schemes targeting Immigration, China, the expansion of the EURO currency, and the influence of The European Union itself. By 2016, a Tory BREXIT was on the table with Borris Johnson (now former PM) and Nigel Farage at the helm blaming anyone and everyone (including Immigrants and Labor Party Socialism) for all of Uk's problems. BREXIT today has led to trade being stifled along with the UK economy while their neighbor the Republic of Ireland looks to have a much more promising future with the European Union. 

In the USA, populist movements spread and right-wing extremesim moved inside the GOP under Trump 2016 (now former POTUS), VP Mike Pence, Majorie Taylor Green, Kari Lake, Lauren Bobert and others that led eventually to election fraud, attacks on Immigrants, Mass-shootings, escalation of Police violence, stolen classified documents, and an attempted coup during the January 6th attacks on the United States Capitol. Much of the last 10 years of instability and corruption in the USA has fueled the increased efforts by other nations for the need of de-dollarization with new applications to BRICS. 

Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison (replaced by Labor Party Anthony Albanese) was accused of a self-coup who took over several political positions for which he was not appointed for and supported Anti-Immigration policies, Trade Wars against China, and wished Australia to violate long standing Non-proliferation agreements in the Asia Pacific with ASEAN Nations condemning proposals. The former PM Scott Morrison was also blamed for riots and protests in Australia from 2019-2021 who had implimented COVID-Lockdowns on citizens and denied Climate Change, using an 'El Nino' term to describe weather chaos. (Wikipedia has changed its El Nino wikipage to match media headlines) The Melanesian Solomon regions signed a military security pact with China over Morrison's actions in office (Papua and Vanuatu may follow).

List of Youtube Channels attacking Samoan History 
Geography Now 'Geography Now! Samoa
La Mancha Media 'America's Forgotten Colonies

Many of the fake history youtube channels found are merely making content for views and subs and dont care really about whats being posted, most taking summary from wikipedia. However, some channels purposely do attack Samoa's image and historical standing. Much of the online historical propaganda on Samoa has come from British-New Zealanders who support the National Party (Loyalist political party to Britain)

TMBW Related articles:

This article was started in late 2011 and finished in 2012 then became a 10 year back track of events and may again be added too in the future. 

Quiz It: What American Samoan diver was born on January 29th, 1960 and is considered The World's Greatest Olympic Diver in World History. The only diver to sweep the boards 8 consecutive years. » Check out TMBW Answers Feed! New!

TMBW Community Report: Electric Cars are here to stay and electricity can be easily home-made and battery stored. It's just a matter of time before the switch, learn how to make electricity with a home turbine.

TMBW On-going works: Mana History & A.P.I.A. Studies is an on-going personal history project, please continue to check back. The Samoan History and Related Events Timeline has been worked on. The Maori Wars History is now almost complete.

TMBW Announcement: We are trying to work out a way to best help Asia Pacific islanders learn all aspects about the vast East Asian, Southeast Asian, and Polynesian Pacific regions.

Linked to TMBW Online Forum ★
Talofa - Aloha and Welcome
Community Video Section » Linked to Youtube

•Siva Tau, Haka, and recently Sipi Tau

•Welcome to Hawaii-USA 4k

•Western & Eastern Samoa Tour

•Tahiti Polynesian Island Pacific 4k

•The culture of Tonga Islands

•Aotearoa NZ Tour of the place

•Samoan Proverb: " Talanoa atu, ‘ae le talanoa manu.- meaning a careless way will be taken by surprise by the alert. "
•Best Moana Quotes: "E aogâ vai pâlagi mo ma'i pâlagi, 'ae aogâ vao Samoa mo ma'i Samoa."
•Best Rugby Quotes: "World Rugby is now seeing Islands beating Continents"
•Best New Quote: "If theres one thing Samoan culture will teach us, it's how to take on life's Mosquitoes".

Cartoon By Ione K. Birdman
◘ Health Interests

#1 tip Trust in Medical help has lowered since year 2000, especially when it comes to Cancer Treatments. Promises unkept for cures and breakthroughs in new research never applied, or with poor results, for over 40 years has raised skepticism. Following the most advanced tech nations instead of relying on easy access convenient hospitalization has been recommended for those looking for better medical help.

#1 tipA Community report says to "Beware of TAP WATER" [Tap Water can be Dangerous]. Outside the island, there are industrialized cities with real toxic issues. On the surface the City may have great rides, food, highways, and parks, but have under it all "toxic or environmental health issues" due to old Landfills and Water Infrastructure being ignored. If an area has a waste smell, the ground nearby could be a covered over Landfill where a town has expanded, buried the old one, and moved to a new location. Buying clean bottled water is an important choice, and will save a person's health.
◘ Community Interests

#1 tipPacific Islander American Community report on "Banking Overdraft Schemes" which resequence transactions on lower income accounts to make the accounts overdraft. In the Banking Scheme, transactions are being posted in an order that benefits the banking fees, and costing the customer possibly hundreds of dollars. The Banking Overdraft Schemes have been reported to still be attempted. Keep your money in a trusted Bank. Do not just sign up to any bank.

#1 tip Check out your local Library for community events. Also a Library can subscribe to Polynesian Newspapers and Magazines so that you and your kids can read them. Organizing a way to have books and media content (movies and news) able for your community to check out is important. Organize your local Library on how to get things started. Classes in public school are also being asked by local community for more Pacific languages and culture to be taught.

Visual By Ione K. Birdman

Da boys of Samoa & Tonga »
In a suburb with growing business centers and newly built neighborhoods far away in the mainland

Sekilini Leaena favorite school lunch »
Leipua sits in class at school with her favorite lunch waiting for the bell.
Chirp great little Moana Bird »
The little Moana bird woke up with the sun, and there in the morning saw one

Kani & The 2 wheels »
Kani woke up one morning and strolled down to his garage wanting to check

Smart Smart Kavika needs experience »
Eleven and a half year old Kavika had a very small turtle he loved very

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Community Message

Fun Fact: Mana Improvement founded by Ione K. Birdman in 2006 was to help new growing Pacific community begin interests online. He started Tui Tablet in 2009 which became TMBW in 2010.

Who's your favorite Samoa Rugby player?

Manu Tuilagi
Ma'a Nonu
Alesana Tuilagi
Phoenix Nofoa
Paul Williams
Mose Masoe
Peter Fatialofa
Jerome Kaino
Tuivasa Sheck
Alafoti Faosiliva
Steve Matai
Julian Savea
Trevor Leota
Cameron Skelton
Brian Lima

Community Message
Visual By Ione K. Birdman

Visual of course by the great Ione K. Birdman

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