Pulemelei in Western Samoa: The complex contains walkways, smaller surrounding burials, and stone-lined earth umus (ovens) that are similar to the ceremonial temples (maraes) found in Eastern Polynesia
Being the 3,000 plus age that Samoa has been estimated it has given way to interests by Archaeologists and Anthropologists, wondering what the traditional Samoan grave design entailed and it has been found to be the ol'e Asiatic step-pyramid with a range of sizes (found from Korea to Thailand to Asia Pacific). The step-pyramid design is extremely common place in East Asian, Southeast Asian, and Central Polynesian island cultures who came and settled the mainland Asia continent. Studies though have not been permitted on Samoan Heritage sites and probably never will be. The largest step-pyramid grave is in the island of Savai'i of Western Samoa called Pulemelei. Eastern Samoa doesn't often share even it's history, being that history is for men of standing to pass down.
Historically size does not mean oldest or most revered but may mark the end of an important Title depending on the care taken in it's making, and it's location given, which can give clues to it's importance or area of importance.
The graves for Tongan Kings are also step pyramid in design and are popular attractions to foreign tourists but maybe closed during the year for cultural reasons. Many of the tomes are newly re-worked to help preserve Tonga's national treasures. The new largest Tongan Royal sites are made of concretes. The Tongan tomes seen today may not be ancient relics of the past but are "based" on the ancient step-pyramid grave designs and the grave sites are still in use. Tonga and Samoa are known to have a deep history with one another.
The Kingdom of Tonga islands at Nuku'alofa
"There are videos on Youtube from a man named Vic Stefano who looks too old to be a click-bait youtuber but he is a click-bait youtuber and has purposely misled viewers into thinking the Tongan Tomes are ancient pyramids standing from ancient times. The Tongan Tomes are even still under construction today for better preservation of their history sites, the area still being used in ceremony, and the Tongan people give great care and love into their past. The video title is called --Tonga the Pyramids (Langi) & Royal Tombs of Lapaha (Pacific Ocean)-, and at 9min. 20' seconds the video shows the modern cinder blocks and construction methods. The graves were never claimed to be old, Vic Stefano is simply a youtuber who has no respect for other cultures"
"The moist ocean sea air that steadily blows through-out the islands, compounded with frequent rains, jungle roots and fern that grow at above average rates and have to be cut just to take a picture, and heat plus high humidity, is what makes materials in Samoa and Tonga to become aged-looking. Most paint formula as well does not last long on buildings"
In Samoa today, graves even for the high entitled are usually "Body-length step pyramids" meaning 7-10ft long, able to be founded within a Samoan family plantation so to pay respect to relatives and ancestors. Large commissioned monuments to figure-heads is not currently a focus of the times but may return as it has in the past. Titles for leaders can be retired, then reborn if the right leader or state-figure arrives, or a title might become reinstituted because of a drastic change in politics.
Samoan individual family graves within their own personal lands which still use the step-pyramid traditional style of grave
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