ANSWER: The Spanish Imperials lost against the USA, not the Mexicans. The correct history title of the Mexican-American War is "The Spanish-American War", again... not the Mexican American War. The new Wiki-history title is more than misleading, it switches out the very opponents and blames the natives for the wars on the United States. Mexicans who are the tanned native peoples of Mexico were not running the campaigns to take over land and tax, their conflicts were mostly internal or between other Native American peoples. The Spanish still today propagate that they conquered South America, but were never able to take over the large in number natives.
Only Catholic missionaries could keep Native-Mexicans happy by giving aid, clothes, trade-deals, blessings, and free catholic schools taught free Spanish language lessons, with free lunches. The Catholic Missionaries (the church orders) were also not under the authority of the Spanish Imperials, and their work reports to religious order. Native Mexicans more favored the church over the Imperials, and so Spanish language spread with Catholicism not with Spanish conquest.
Antonio Lopez Santa Anna (A Spanish Catholic
man not a Native Mexican)
The Euro Spanish Imperials eventually began to get anxious once more in 1830s, brutally losing to the Comanche in 1759, and the USA had grown in the last 100 years. The Spanish Imperials in the 1830s were being kept on the outskirt borders close to Texas and California. Antonio Lopez Santa Anna remains a well known figure in Texas History, a man who lost "The Battle of the Alamo" who attempted to regain the Texas regions.
"If there is one thing about the Spanish, it takes them about 100 years to recover, and they return only if they are not forced into submission. It's actually strange that a people only respect their abusers. They have never waged war on Rome Italy for it's Catholic Invasions into Spain"
Mexican or Spanish?
The Mexican people seen today 2017 in the USA (Native settlers) are not the Euro-Spanish and have never been defeated in an international War with the USA. The Cowboy gangs (first organized crime in the states) that were famous in the Southern regions of the USA in Wild-West times, were Mexican run gangs (red-sash wearers), and the Cowboy culture remains a huge part of country American lifestyle from Mexican-cowboys.
Mexican Natives
Mexican Natives
Mexican Native & Cowboy
Mexican Native woman