The History Poker Blog
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All these conflicts which happened in the the late 1800's in Samoa led to the first World War. The first World War in the Pacific started in Western Samoa 1914 when the British broke the Tripartite Convention Treaty of 1899 and attacked an Imperial German Radio station through a New Zealand proxy force, for other parts of the World the World War started in 1917. The German Imperial Navy then killed over 1,000 British Royal Navy at the battle of Coronel in the Pacific 1914 November 1st, stopping first in Samoa to get information, and with hopes to ambush the New Zealand force. So, not racially motivated.
Also people who haven't read through United States history, are not aware that the USA was just barely born...barely..who's White House was burned by the British Empire in the second War of Independence, and who almost lost the American Civil War 1861-1865, and who at one point thought they had. People see the industry around them in the USA and many get arrogant, and don't understand that Trust territories or allies, or whatever you want to call them, were needed and have respectable histories themselves.
A little advice to readers, if for some odd and strange reason you want to write or create a national history of a foreign nation, don't. Its just going to be added to the idiots rack and questioned if it was purposely made to support a supremacist ideal.